
Are you looking for qualified and experienced personnel to work at your home?

Based on your search criteria, we offer personnel, either full-time or part-time, external or live-in, in the following areas:

  • Paramedical staff: caregiver, housekeeper, companion, nurse (daytime, nighttime, or 24/7)
  • Household staff: housekeeper, governess, laundress, housekeeping couple, cook, butler, chauffeur, gardener, personal assistant
  • Nurse-educators: experienced, qualified or not, including maternity nurses

We rigorously select our candidates, ensuring that their professional skills are suitable for the desired position. The candidate’s experience, references, and professionalism are crucial evaluation criteria.

Mrs. Chapuisat Pont will gladly provide you with information on the procedures and terms of engagement at +41 21 801 03 61.

The Agency does not employ candidates but acts as an intermediary to connect an employer with one or more candidates. Accounting and Payroll services can be seamlessly provided through our network of trusted partners.

You can find the agency’s contact details under Contact.